Curator Services
Realize your creative vision.
Envision a unique art experience in your space? LOTUS offers a variety of curator services to develop and implement your art-centered exhibition, programming or project. Our approach is collaborative and authentic, and recognizes the ability of art and artists to reach diverse audiences and spark important conversations.
SERVICES include:
Consulting or project planning for art-centered programming
Calls for artists
Review criteria & selection process
Artist research & communication
Project management in galleries, museums or public spaces
Exhibition coordination
Art exhibition program development
Facilitate art purchases or commissions, and placement
Artist residency research & development
Facilitate or develop art projects that focus on humans' relationship with the natural environment
Art, historical, or place-based research
Grant writing or editing
PASSION points
Art as an entry point to conversations about social or environmental issues.
Visitors experiencing art where they might not expect it - like in science centers, history museums or public spaces.
Projects that center perspectives or voices that have been traditionally underrepresented.